Attending the next East Coast IndieWeb meeting
I plan to attend
.I’ve been unplugged from the IndieWeb community for the last month or two for no IndieWeb-related reason. My reignited job search, preparations for IFComp 2020, and other worthy focuses drew my attention away for a time. I look forward to wading back into the discussion.
Next post: A tasteful alternative to Amazon book links
Previous post: X SHIP
'Twas this is a microblog by Jason McIntosh. It has an RSS feed, and accepts responses via Webmention. For a less-micro blog, see Fogknife.
This blog's social-media links use a detail of the photograph "Der Anfang eines neuen Quilts?" by creativekitty, licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0. This blog is powered by Plerd. Thank you for your time and attention today.