I spent last night reviving my old “notes blog”, intended for posts that feel too light for my main blog, but don’t feel quite appropriate for writing directly on social media, either. I started it as a lockdown project in mid-2020, and pursued it enthusiastically for only a few months thereafter. Something about the present environment moves me to return to it.
This blog launched with the name Jots, Scraps, and Tailings, but I’ve renamed it to ‘Twas This, after a panel in a Jim Woodring comic book. The name struck me while I walked around last night after making my first new post in several years, and successfully POSSE-ing it to Mastodon and Bluesky, neither of which existed back in 2020. It seems an apt title for a self-publication where I might not always hold myself to my usual standards of length or flow.
There remains an RSS feed, whose link you can find elsewhere on this page. I do intend to POSSE all my posts to social media, and then have interactions there show up here, by way of Brid.gy and Whim.
Previous post: ACK, boomer
'Twas this is a microblog by Jason McIntosh. It has an RSS feed, and accepts responses via Webmention. For a less-micro blog, see Fogknife.
This blog's social-media links use a detail of the photograph "Der Anfang eines neuen Quilts?" by creativekitty, licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0. This blog is powered by Plerd. Thank you for your time and attention today.