More thoughts on Gameshelf auditions

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The crew and I have been pondering this in email. Everyone likes the idea of my expanding the show's talent pool, and we've been thinking of ways to find (and filter) more good gamer-guests.

Here's a draft of a web-based questionnaire I just threw together. The idea is that I'd post it to the show's website, then place ads on appropriate community forums and such that link to the questionnaire (incidentally advertising the show itself as well). I'd then follow up with the more interesting responses (though maybe not immediately), and take it from there.

Your thoughts are welcome.

Hi! Thanks for your interest in helping with The Gameshelf.

At this time I am looking to expand the pool of people I invite on the show to play games. Prior to this casting effort, this has been limited to folks I already know from gaming and other social circles. I'd like to cast the net a little wider in an effort to get a broader variety of gamers on the show.

Callbacks will be as spotty as The Gameshelf's own production schedule. Perhaps you'll hear from me immediately; perhaps it'll take months. Perhaps you'll bump into me on the street one day and ask me about the time you submitted the application and never heard back, and I'll look all confused. At any rate, all applications will be read, filed, and ruminated upon.

You can leave some fields blank if you'd rather not answer certain questions, but the more complete your form is the better your chances are. All replies will be confidential (I won't go copying your email address onto another webpage, or anything).





Where do you live? (The Gameshelf is shot in and around the Boston area.)

What is your favorite tabletop (board or card) game? Why?

What is your favorite digital game? Why?

Any other games you love? (Sports? Role-playing? Puzzles? Etc?) Why?

Why do you want to be on this show?

On that note, why would _I_ want you to be on it?

What would you change about The Gameshelf?

Please upload a photograph of yourself. Nothing glamourous, but enough to show me what you look like. If possible, have your photographed self wearing the sort of clothing that you'd expect to wear on camera. Use your own best judgment about that!

Anything else you'd like to say (or ask)?

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This page contains a single entry by Jason McIntosh published on December 16, 2007 3:27 PM.

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