I've canceled the Dec 18th shoot; half my crew had things come up unexpectedly - not surprising for late December - and it wasn't the best date for game-playing talent, either. I'll reschedule for something in January. Watch this space.
While I love those friends who've volunteered to play on the show and always welcome their return, I've also been thinking about casting the net a little wider for talent. I'm unsure what the sanest way to go about this would be. Posting some "Wanna be on the Gameshelf?" info on the show's website would be one thing, and making a post on the davis_square LJ community would be quite another. I would like to mix it up with some new faces, but that means auditioning. I'll try anything once, but it's not terribly clear to me how to audition folks to be good and camera-friendly gamers!
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