IFTF Accessibility Report (rough mockup)

Each table cell contains a summary, the number of tests passed, and the total number of tests run. For example "Good (4/5)" means that five testers' reports covered this accessibility aspect of that platform, and four of those five reports described satisfactory results.

Each cell links to a page containing much more details about the tester reports that resulted in these numbers.

  Screen reader Braille display Magnifier No audio Dictation software
Frotz (iOS) Excellent (5/5) Fair (2/5) Good (3/4) Poor (0/3) N/A
Gargoyle (Mac) Good (4/6) N/A Fair (2/6) Fair (2/4) Poor (1/6)
Gargoyle (Windows) Poor (2/6) N/A Fair (2/6) Excellent (5/5) Poor (1/6)

...And so on, for all 26 platforms we wish to test.